Resume Review

Welcome to our Resume Review Services!

Want a free resume analysis?

75% of job applications are rejected before they are seen by human eyes.

Before your resume reaches the hands of a hiring manager, it often must satisfy an ATS — applicant tracking system. An ATS is a type of software used by recruiters and employers to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive for open positions. If a resume is not written with an ATS in mind, a qualified candidate can be easily passed over.

Upload your resume for free and find out what an applicant tracking system will think. Your dream job could depend on it.

woman resume with magnifier at the table. Cv resume concept. Finding a worker. Apply for a job. Business opportunity. Cv profile.

How it works:

  1. Upload your resume to be reviewed — it’s an easy drag and drop
  2. It takes up to 48 hours for us to review your resume and provide personalized and actionable feedback.
  3. Get a free, confidential review from a resume expert. When the results land in your email inbox, it’s time to learn. Find out what you’re doing right and what you could improve upon to achieve your best resume.
What to expect from your resume review:

We review your resume comprehensively so you get all the information you need. Feedback topics include:

  • Is your resume neat and clearly organized?
  • Does the format of your resume effectively show the impact of your achievements?
  • Is the writing clear, easy to understand and free of mistakes?
  • Do you have consistent grammatical tense, tone, and punctuations?
  • Will the ATS be able to read your resume?
  • What industries do you have expertise in?
  • Will an ATS mark you as a best fit for the jobs you’re targeting?